Discover your path to improved mobility and well-being
Among the many challenges faced by those living with disabilities, lack of mobility hinders social interaction, curbing the pursuit of life's joys. The Oska Pulse redefines the landscape of injury, musculoskeletal disorders, and mobility management without the use of long-term medication.

Technology and Science - not hope and faith
Under $1,500
With no reported adverse side effects, OSKA Pulse’s purpose is pain cessation, not mere interruption. Its mission is to accelerate recovery and alleviate people from the cause of their pain, rather than profiting from its persistence.
Technology and Science - not hope and faith
Off the shelf-not customised
OSKA Pulse is lightweight, portable, and can be used over clothes. It doesn’t necessarily have to touch your body to function.

Many of our customers have used the NDIS plan to pay for their OSKA Pulse. We will provide an invoice that you can forward to your preferred NDIS Support Coordinator or Plan Manager for payment.
Categories under which you may be able to claim the OSKA Pulse:
- Assistance with daily life.
- Assistive technology.
- Improved daily living.
- Improved health and well-being.

How to request an Invoice
If you would like to receive an invoice or quote from us, it will help if you could enter the details below on this form.
- NDIS participant’s full name.
- The product you require.
- Billing and Shipping address, name and telephone number.
- NDIS number.

A TGA Registered Device
The OSKA Pulse is registered with the TGA as a non-invasive pulsed electromagnetic field device intended to be used alone or as adjunctive therapy for improved healing of existing conditions, reduce inflammation, and as an additional therapy in treating osteoarticular inflammatory condition i.e. arthritis.