From Tamina on Facebook

From Tamina on Facebook

Hi all, Early days (24 hours ) I have worn Oska pulse (90min) 10 times in the past 24 hours. Worn it sleeping, working, driving and while watching TV. Have to say, I am impressed. Have already recommended to family and friends.

My torn meniscus – woke with no knee pain and full movement. (2 treatments)

Hands: no Capel tunnel pain or arthritic pain – but still some tendon pain (but only in the left wrist /thumb). (2 treatments)

Left shoulder (reconstructed 27 years ago) – reduced neck pain – more flexible (1 treatment)

Adhesion from appendicitis surgery 2022, no ‘pulling’ sensation. (2 treatments)

Esophagitis cough – reduced by over 50% (was not woken thru the night in a coughing fit) woke this morning feeling ‘refreshed’ for the first time in years!! (3 chest/abdominal treatments)

Diverticula disease …. Let’s just say ‘yay’ (As above)

I am not one for medication (when it can be avoided) nor keen on surgery if alternatives are available. It is still early days and I’m not ruling out placebo effects – but I have not felt this pain ‘discomfort’ free in years!

I am looking forward to returning to my Dr in a few weeks and comparing blood /CT tests. I have not changed anything else in my routine.

Thank you Shirley and Michael (and Carolyn for the recommendation).