Your device is a genuine ‘lifesaver’, thank you so much for it.

Your device is a genuine ‘lifesaver’, thank you so much for it.


Improved health with CRPS Reading Your device is a genuine ‘lifesaver’, thank you so much for it. 1 minute Next From Tamina on Facebook


I hope you and the Oska team are well.

I just wanted to update you and the team, and let you know that the Oska Pulse is really helping me already! I’m almost 3 weeks into using it now, and I started noticing a some reduction in my CRPS pain, swelling and discolouration about a week after I started using it, and things have continued to improve gradually but steadily since then. I’ve been running the Oska Pulse 24/7, as much as I can, and just keeping it sitting near my feet/lower legs (my area most affected by CRPS). I know it’s early days still, but I’m so excited, I can hardly believe it.

Your device is a genuine ‘lifesaver’, thank you so much for it.

Thank you for all your help.

Kind Regards,

Kate (Tasmania)