I am currently bed bound due to ME/CFS and CRPS, and I’ve lived the last 5 and a half years since the CRPS started in so much pain that I could not tolerate ANYTHING at all – clothes, bedding, any touch. even water and air movement (even my own breath) – on my legs and especially my feet. I’ve even held my legs/feet up off the mattress of the bed all these years, I couldn’t ever put them down as the pain was constantly so intense. If my feet did accidentally touch the bed at all it’d feel like they’d touched the hot plate of a stove, then I’d be screaming and spasming uncontrollably in even more excruciating pain that’d flare for hours/days.
All that to say that, since feeling this improvement in my symptoms using the Oska Pulse, for the first time I am now daring to hope that (if things keep improving) maybe I can work towards things like putting my feet back on the bed in the not too distant future and maybe reducing, even ceasing my pain medication too. I’ve had so little hope for so long now, it’s a crazy feeling. Fingers crossed things keep improving, I will certainly keep you updated.
Your device is a genuine lifesaver, thank you so much for it.
Thank you for all your help.
Kind Regards,
Kate (Tasmania)